Peak Performance Assessment Overview​​​​​​

When applying to Procter & Gamble, you may be asked to complete the PEAK Performance Assessment. Most applicants find it requires about 20 minutes to complete this assessment. Please adjust your schedule accordingly before starting. This comprehensive assessment allows us to examine many aspects of your background and experiences in order to fully and fairly consider how well your personal profile matches our needs.

Through the assessment you will be able to provide facts on your background and interests, as well as your point of view on issues related to working at P&G. As you respond to the questions, make sure your answers accurately describe you and your interests. There are no right or wrong answers.
If this assessment is required then a direct link to the assessment will be sent to the email that you provided while applying. Note, the username and password that you created are required to log in.
If you choose to exit and continue the assessment at a later time or are disconnected for any reason, you can reuse the link that was previously provided to you.
If necessary to exit during the assessment process, responses will be saved for all completed sections of the assessment.
You should complete this process in an environment that is free from distractions.
On your assessment an item count will be displayed at the top of each page. The item count shows the number of questions you have completed and how many questions there are total within each section.
This assessment contains 4 separate sections. At the end of each section, you will be able to submit your responses. After you choose to submit, then you will not be able to go back to review or change your responses.
Questions in the Peak Performance Assessment are mandatory to answer. You will not be able to submit your assessment until all questions have been completed.
You are required to complete all of the sections before you can move forward in the selection process.
It is important that you complete this assessment on your own and without any help – from others or the use of Artificial Intelligence. If you continue beyond this step of the process, we may verify your capability to solve these types of problems under supervised conditions.

The assessment requires sustained concentration. If you need special accommodations for this testing process, please submit your request here. If you feel you may need an accommodation to complete the online assessments, please do not move forward until you have sent the request and have been notified by a P&G representative!

​​​​​​​The following pages review a few examples of the PEAK Performance Assessment questions that you may or may not be asked to complete during your assessment process, depending on the role you apply for.



Multiple-choice questions present a question and a list of responses from which you select one. To select an answer, click the response you believe is correct. When selected, the response will be highlighted in blue. To deselect a response, click the clear answer button or choose a different response. You can only select one response at a time unless otherwise stated.


Rating questions ask you to rate a statement or a series of statements using a sliding scale. For each statement, you refer to the scale and then slide the selector to appear under the selection that corresponds to your rating of that item. To deselect a response, click the clear answer button or slide the selector to appear under a different response. You can only select one response at a time.