Have a look at some snippets of PEAKathon in India:

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Student Testimonials

​​​​​​​"PEAKathon was a welcome breath of fresh air and a needed change. The assessment felt less like an exam and more like a fun game where we had to put ourselves in the shoes of a P&G leader."

"I was highly impressed by the utilization of metaverse technology for hosting the quiz. This clearly demonstrates the company's tech-savviness and its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and seamlessly integrating them into its operations."

"From entering into the metaverse, the journey had been an amazing one. It was a unique kind of experience which I will treasure dearly as part of my MBA journey."

"This was the first time we gave a quiz on a metaverse based platform. Something so unique and innovative could only be done by P&G. Moreover, the quiz questions were also designed to be real-life decisions that one may have to take, which ignited a lot of discussions within our team."

"The chance to engage with P&G's leaders was incredibly beneficial. The event itself was meticulously organized, and I thoroughly enjoyed connecting with other college students and accomplished leaders. The entire experience, from start to finish, left a deep and heartwarming impression!"