An important part of this role is the ability to use information to solve problems. In this exercise, you will use several resources and reports to answer questions. It should take about 8 minutes to complete. Before answering the questions, you should look at the given material by clicking on the “Resources” tab near the top. There is no time limit but the quicker you answer the questions the better your score will be.
Below, you see an incomplete equation and the keypad with the available numbers. The highlighted frame indicates that a gap is selected. You can select a gap by simply tapping/clicking on it. The “3” is already selected, making “4” the only other number that will make this equation correct. For the assessment, it is possible that there may be more than one correct answer. Other possible answers to the sample problem on the right include; “2” and “5”, “1” and “6”, “4” and “3”, “5” and “2”, as well as “6” and “1”.
After filling all gaps, you will tap/click the lock icon in order to advance to the next level.
In this exercise, you will be given an opportunity to troubleshoot problems that are impacting outcomes from a set series of inputs. For each item, you will see a diagram showing the configuration of a variety of parts. Each diagram will include a series of components that may or may not be functioning (labeled A, B, C, D). Your job is to determine which of the components is not functioning properly. There is only one broken component per item. To do so, refer to the guide that lets you know what each component does when it is working and what it does when it’s broken. Once you have determined which of the four components is broken, select the broken component to indicate your response. It should take about 4 minutes to complete. There is no time limit but the quicker you answer the questions the better your score will be.
In this section, you will interpret dial and gauge readings and integrate information from the Operating Guidelines. These guidelines include acceptable operating ranges, as well as other key information, like risks to the machine and actions to take at specified levels. You will answer questions about the machine’s functioning and actions you can take to improve it. It should take about 4 minutes to complete. There is no time limit but the quicker you answer the questions the better your score will be.
Multiple-choice questions present a question and a list of responses from which you select one. To select an answer, click the response you believe is correct. When selected, the response will be highlighted in blue. To deselect a response, click the clear answer button or choose a different response. You can only select one response at a time unless otherwise stated.
Rating questions ask you to rate a statement or a series of statements using a sliding scale. For each statement, you refer to the scale and then slide the selector to appear under the selection that corresponds to your rating of that item. To deselect a response, click the clear answer button or slide the selector to appear under a different response. You can only select one response at a time.
Situational Questions ask that you read a situation and mark one response that represents what you would most likely do in that situation. Remember, responses will be used throughout the employment process. Therefore, your responses should accurately reflect what you would most likely do in each situation.